Russian Project 22160 corvettes to be armed with new electronic defense

The latest corvettes of project 22160 will be armed with the latest reconnaissance and defence complexes. Their effectiveness is being tested on the lead Vasily Bykov warship in the Black Sea, the Izvestia daily writes.

Russian Project 22160 corvettes to be armed with new electronic defense Project 22160 corvette Vasily Bykov (Picture Source: ВМФ России)

The new complexes can jam radars or create dummy disturbances. They comprise high-tech sensors on warship hull. The information on all operating electronic systems that can detect a warship is transmitted in real time to intercept bearing posts. The system identifies radar type and its carrier. The Corvette thus gets a possibility to impact ground, sea and airborne radars, as well as satellite detection systems.

Depending on the situation, the commander is recommended various options on how to hide from radars. If it is impossible to bypass a radar, the system camouflages the warship by jamming. The complex can also jam adversary radar by a powerful electronic signal. Another option is misleading jamming. It creates several dummy targets on the adversary display which resemble a warship. Heat traps can also be used to create infrared disturbances.

The system allows corvettes to covertly penetrate areas under adversary control and counter both solo warships and aircraft carrying groups with a broad range of reconnaissance means, former Navy Chief-of-Staff Admiral Valentin Selivanov believes.

"Modern designs can make a warship invisible and thus more effective in combat. Previously, warships had devices which showed they were being irradiated by radar and its frequency. The operator identified the radar by reference books. The crew had to determine which warships are armed with such radars and thus identify the warship on the horizon. It took a lot of time," he said.

The new device identifies radar frequency and automatically selects disturbances. It helps the captain to rapidly make a decision how to manoeuvre and counter the adversary, Selivanov said.

The Vasily Bykov joined the Black Sea fleet in late 2018. The Dmitry Rogachev first serial corvette is undergoing acceptance trials. The Corvettes have to patrol coastal areas and deployment bases.

The corvettes are distinguished by a modular scheme which allows changing arms and equipment. They can carry Kalibr missiles and the deck has a helipad for Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters. Project 22160 corvettes can operate surface and underwater unmanned vehicles for monitoring in a radius of several hundred kilometres. Four new corvettes are to be built by 2020, the Izvestia said.

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